KPA EtherCAT Master 1.6 released

Logo KPA EtherCAT Master

21 Nov. 2017

koenig-pa GmbH, a leading supplier of industrial automation solutions and software tools for EtherCAT fieldbus developers, is announcing the release of a new version of KPA EtherCAT Master Stack Development Kit (MDK). KPA Master MDK 1.6 introduces several new features that are important for developing comprehensive and up-to-date tools for process automation and control solutions.

The following major improvements are included in the new KPA Master release:


The Multimaster functionality allows a control application to service several independent EtherCAT® buses from the same target system simultaneously. A real system may already have independent control circuits, for example, different processes, independent physical interfaces, isolated functional units. The Multimaster functionality allows splitting service tasks into isolated units and handling them separately.
Available as a Feature Pack, requires license activation.

Event Handler

This new functionality helps to obtain information about state of the system and to synchronize different parts of a control application by using custom events or Master-specific events. It is not necessary to poll the bus diagnostics periodically as it was in the previous versions–the user may do it only when something happens by getting the event.
Available as a Feature Pack, requires license activation.

Explicit Device Identification

Master 1.6 completely supports the Explicit Device Identification (EDI) as defined by EtherCAT specification, including Requesting ID, Direct ID and SII Configured Station Alias.
Available as a Basic Class feature.

Virtual Serial COM driver

The KPA Virtual Serial COM driver allows communicating with the serial device from Windows application via Virtual COM port. Master transmits data got from the serial terminal / the Virtual COM device to the recipient.

More details

For more details concerning new KPA EtherCAT Master 1.6 features, refer to the following document:

  KPA EtherCAT Master 1.6 What's New


KPA EtherCAT Master Developer Kits are available through Customer Portal and
by contacting our Sales Department:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us