
04 Apr. 2024

Impact of Industrial Edge and Cloud architectures on smart manufacturing

With the advancements in Industrial Edge and Cloud computing technologies, manufacturers now have access to scalable and flexible computing resources.
21 Mar. 2024

The role of IoT in the era of renewable energy

In today's world, we are heading towards a time where renewable energy sources like wind and solar power are becoming the standard rather than just an alternative.
15 Feb. 2024

Adopting open-source technologies in automation industry

In the modern and fiercely competitive automation industry, companies are increasingly embracing open-source software solutions to boost efficiency, cut costs, and enhance overall productivity.
29 May. 2023

Pros and cons of Сloud IoT solutions

Cloud IoT solutions facilitate the ingestion of data from connected devices, enabling the construction of dynamic applications which integrate with existing big data services.