koenig-pa provides RPC Server within the MDK package that allows to communicate with KPA EtherCAT Master remotely.

To start RPC Server, the rpcserver.dll is run with connection parameters (port and IP address) of Master. By default, the port 5000 is used. In case of Multimaster usage, different ports for each Master instances are set, for instance, Master1: port=5000, Master2: port=5001.

KPA EtherCAT Studio attaches to Master via RPC Server. Also, it is possible to communicate with Master via RPC Server from the other applications, such as Python applications.

Requesting ID

Python applications are useful to visualize some processes, to create a charts/diagrams or for online configuring.

With RPC Server, it is possible to use Python application to configure or diagnose KPA EtherCAT Master.

Python version 3.9 is included in KPA EtherCAT Python package. For details, refer to KPA EtherCAT Python integration manual.