A new version of KPA EtherCAT Studio 2.12.7303.0 is released
We have incorporated numerous updates in this version, which we believe you will find valuable. Some notable highlights include:
- The CANopen Master plug-in tab improved and offers an advanced settings option that allows the user to customize the network management and communication parameters of the CANopen devices, enhancing the user experience
- Eliminated odd signals (plug-in’s) that appeared while the plug-in was disabled during the attach
- Improved CANopen master plug-in running
- Improved the response of init commands on editing options in CANopen plugin
- Optimized the possibility to change buffer mode of SMs
- Improved the creation of state entries for CAN nodes
- Optimized the possibility to add and edit PDO Content when slave has not got ProfileNo 5001
- Improved the export of AoE slave settings for Master autoconfigurator
- Speeded up the EEPROM Tab update when the connection with the slave was lost
- Improved signals’ index and subindex generation during configuration editing in M2M plug-in
- The project closing process has been expedited