The latest update of KPA EtherCAT Master 2 for Windows x64, version 2.7.508, has been released to offer the users an enhanced experience.
In comparison to release 2.7.202, this latest release introduces the following improvements:
- Built-in trial license
From now on, a trial license is included by default in KPA MRT2 packages to simplify the first launch of KPA products. - MRT2 installation improvements:
- In KPA MRT2 installer has been added a possibility to select license (generic or trial).
For details refer to MDK Manual (Installation). - For installation in silent mode new options have been added to select a generic license or activate Trial mode: CFG_LICENSE_FILE and CFG_ACTIVATE_TRIAL.
For details refer to Silent installation User Manual (Installing MRT in silent mode).
- In KPA MRT2 installer has been added a possibility to select license (generic or trial).