Since the beginning of our company, we have been committed to ensuring that our products are in tune with the latest trends in IT and industrial automation. The company has become one of the leading experts in EtherCAT technology and offers its own line of software products for it.

Over the last 30 years, our company has built up a wealth of knowledge and experience in the development for various operating systems (Windows, INtime, RTX64, Linux, Xenomai, QNX, VxWorks, FreeRTOS, ITRON and others), the creation of industrial automation systems with devices from the world's leading manufacturers (such as Beckhoff, Siemens, Nordac, Lenze, Ancosys, and others), and the creation of FPGA-based solutions.

On the basis of our experience, we provide the following services in addition to our products:

Our services ensure seamless integration and performance tailored to each user's needs.